Career Opportunities

Careers in Art

创造一个能让你发挥激情的未来, 好奇心和寻找联系的能量,为生活带来新的视觉创意. There are many opportunities to use your skills and creativity in visual art in life after college. Seventy-two percent of business leaders say that creativity is the number one skill they are seeking when hiring. Many CSC Art alumni have become art educators, commercial artists, graphic designers, art entrepreneurs, and studio artists or go on to graduate school.

Careers in Art Education

Art Education

对许多艺术家来说,艺术教育家是一种受欢迎且有益的职业道路. There are numerous regional employment opportunities for art educators and many CSC Art students have been hired to teach within the elementary, middle, and high schools. 其他就业机会包括工作坊讲师和博物馆教育. At Chadron State College, aspiring art educators learn both studio art practices and pedagogical approaches to prepare them to be highly qualified teachers who are also practicing artists.

CSC Art grad, Travis Hencey, has shown his work in Nebraska Arts Council and regional venues and is the Chadron High School art teacher.

CSC艺术毕业生Kayla DeSersa是科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯的一名中学美术老师.




CSC Art Education students in the Art Special Methods class experiment with virtual drawing in the CSC Library.

Two students view paintings on a wall

CSC艺术教育学生参加在斯皮尔菲什举行的南达科他州艺术教育会议, South Dakota.

Why is Art Education Important?

艺术教育对各个年龄段的学生都是至关重要的. Research shows arts education increases student motivation and attendance as well as improving academic achievement. Students benefit from comprehensive and sequential learning in the visual arts from qualified teachers who are certified in art education. The visual arts are a universal language contributing to multi-cultural understanding in a global society and helping to enrich human experience and fulfill human potential.


Trudy Denham
Assistant Professor of Art
Chadron State College
Phone: 308-432-6326

Mailing address:

Chadron State College
1000 Main Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337

Careers in Graphic Design

Graphic Design

One of the more popular and prosperous ways for art majors to make a living upon graduation is in the world of commercial art or graphic design. 但是平面设计不仅仅是电脑和软件. Graphic design is the creative and intellectual process that combines visual language and technology to communicate ideas. 它是为问题寻找视觉解决方案的过程.

Marty Lastovica

Marty Lastovica

CSC艺术毕业生马蒂·拉斯托维卡(Marty Lastovica)是安海斯布希公司(Anheuser Busch)的设计师. Louis.

Kelsey Hinesley

Kelsey Hinesley

CSC Art grad, Kelsey Hinesley, earned a Master of Visual Communication Design at Arizona State University and is a Graphic Design Specialist at ASU Library.

Brand identity design samples by Kayla Reinke

Visual Identity

Identity system design by Kayla Reinke.

Students at Oxide Design

Oxide Design

CSC Art students tour Oxide Design Co. in Omaha.


Bailey Lauerman Marketing/Communications

CSC Art students meet with creative department members at the Omaha office of Bailey Lauerman Marketing/Communications.

Students at Periscope


CSC Art students tour Periscope, a firm in Minneapolis working in advertising, broadcast, design, direct marketing, global packaging, graphic services, interactive, media, photography, public relation

Students with artist Bob Bissland


CSC Art students meet with Graphis award-winning poster designer Bob Bissland in Logan, Utah.

Students with Scott Rockwood of Richter7


CSC Art students meeting with Scott Rockwood, partner and CEO at Richter7, a creative company specializing in brand strategy, branding graphics, media advertising, online marketing, website developmen


Mary Donahue
Professor of Art
Chadron State College
Phone: 308-432-6325

Mailing address:

Chadron State College
1000 Main Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337

What is Graphic Design?

“平面设计是所有艺术中最普遍的. It responds to needs at once personal and public, embraces concerns both economic and ergonomic, and is informed by many disciplines, including art and architecture, philosophy and ethics, literature and language, science and politics and performance.

“Graphic design is everywhere, touching everything we do, everything we see, 我们买的每样东西:我们在广告牌和圣经上看到它, on taxi receipts and on websites, on birth certificates and on gift certificates, on the folded circulars inside jars of aspirin and on the thick pages of children's chubby board books.

“平面设计是街道标志上大胆的方向箭头和模糊的, frenetic typography on the title sequence to E.R. It is the bright green logo for the New York Jets and the monochromatic front page of the Wall Street Journal. It is hang-tags in clothing stores, postage stamps and food packaging, fascist propaganda posters and brainless junk mail.

“平面设计是文字和图片的复杂组合, numbers and charts, photographs and illustrations that, in order to succeed, demands the clear thinking of a particularly thoughtful individual who can orchestrate these elements so they all add up to something distinctive, or useful, or playful, or surprising, or subversive or somehow memorable.

平面设计是一门流行艺术,也是一门实用艺术,是一门应用艺术,也是一门古老艺术. Simply put, it is the art of visualizing ideas.”

—Jessica Helfand,

Who becomes a graphic designer? - from AIGA Career Guide

What kinds of jobs are out there?

What kinds of salaries do designers make?

Links of interest


许多学生表示对动画领域感兴趣. 而CSC并没有专门指导动画程序, it does focus on the fundamentals of drawing and design which are the necessary foundation for animation.

At a recent Meet the Pros conference in Omaha, we talked to Jimm Wagner of Phenomblue and he suggested the following resources for those interested in learning animation.

Below are three graphic portal sites that showcase industry and personal talent along with news…

Other resources


IPAX从六所学校开始,已经扩展到11所成员学校:动画导师, Carnegie Mellon, 德保罗大学计算机图形与动画专业, Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Otis College of Art + Design, Pratt Institute School of Art & Design, Ringling College of Art & Design, Stanford, the University of New Mexico, 以及南加州大学电影艺术学院.

Go to Animation School Wherever You Are

Another IPAX member school, Animation Mentor, based in Berkeley, California, 通过互联网教世界各地的学生. Launched in March 2005 by animators Carlos Baena, Bobby Beck (president/CEO) and Shawn Kelly, the school's curriculum is 100% dedicated to character animation and teaches the art of animation the way the founders wished they could have learned it when they were in school.

The Animation Mentor program consists of six different classes (terms) of 12 sessions each for a full course of 18 months. It is a feedback-driven, online program that is based on the studio production system and pairs animation students with working professionals (mentors). 这些导师是来自全球50多个国家的学生的老师.

"Animation Mentor has closed the gap between the working world and the educational process and [prepares] graduates for the cyclical world they will encounter before landing a permanent studio home," notes Beck. “在我的合作伙伴和我们出色的导师团队的帮助下, 动画导师与动画业务的潮起潮落保持着密切的联系, with creative trends, new tools, technologies and more."

Like the students, mentors come from all over the world, from studios such as Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, DreamWorks/PDI, Sony, Tippett and Zoic in California, House of Cool and Nelvana in Canada, Reel FX in Texas, and Blue Sky in New York. It's possible for a student in Germany to learn basic principles like squash and stretch from an animator in California, 和加拿大动画师的身体力学原理.

有关动画导师的更多信息,请访问其 or email

Video Editing

Careers in Art Studio

Art Studio

What every artist wants to be … an artist

当然,艺术家的主要目标是成为一名艺术家. To do their own creative work. 艺术专业的学生可以选择艺术工作室,重点是学习美术工艺. In the Art program at Chadron State College, artists can explore drawing, painting, printmaking, design, ceramics, sculpture, fiber or experimenting with multiple mediums. 你的大学生涯只是成为艺术家这一终生历程的开始.

CSC Art grad, Whitney Tewahade, is an artist, art entrepreneur, 也是Chadron市中心TaDa工作室和绗缝工作室/供应的老板.

A student works on a thrown piece of artwork


CSC Art grad, Timm Hoff, 展览他的工作周围的地区,并已在居住内布拉斯加州学校的艺术家.


CSC艺术学生观看艺术21的特别放映, “Art in the 21st Century is a PBS documentary series featuring contemporary artists at work and in their own words.

Art Alumni

A group of students pose in an art gallery
Artist Scott Christensen

但这可能需要多年的艰苦工作,在此期间,一个人必须吃东西. A starving artist cannot starve for too long. 所以找一份白天的工作(或者晚上的工作)是一个好主意. A job that is art-related can be inspiring.

Here are some suggestions…

艺术委员会也为艺术家提供了很好的资源. 查看艺术委员会网站上的艺术展览报名通知. 作为一名艺术家,重要的是把你的作品参加展览,建立你的个人形象. Many art shows now have online digital jury services which handle digital images for art show juries. These sites also give you information about how to prepare your digital images for sending to shows.


Think about what other classes you might take in college or internships you can do while as a student that would give you experience towards a future art-related job.

A student works on a sculpture project

许多艺术家走的一条路是继续读研究生. Graduate school allows an artist a few more years of focus and exploration to find their artistic voice (which might also help you find a market for your art.) The other advantage graduate school may offer is the credentials and experience to teach art at the college level. 这通常需要你所选择的艺术媒介的美术硕士学位. 这是一个人在艺术工作室可以获得的终极学位或最高学位. Teaching allows you to be around art all day, to be inspired by your students and to have some extra time in the summer to do your artwork.

As a professional artist it is important to enter your work in shows and start building your résumé, 你的手艺和不断提高的技能也是如此.



查德龙州立大学艺术课程提供了广泛的 gallery exhibit schedule of professional artists from around the country as well as visiting artists who share their experience personally with students. 艺术专业的学生也可以通过设计和举办自己的艺术展来获得经验.

The Art program at Chadron State College is here to inspire and help you become what you want to be … an artist!


Laura Bentz
Professor of Art
Chadron State College
Phone: 308-432-6324

Mailing address:

Chadron State College
1000 Main Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337